A Community Activity For All Ages
Magic shows
Richard Rondeau
Bringing people together and getting to know your neighbours...any time people come together for a community activity makes them feel closer. Community Days, Halloween and Christmas parties are a few reasons communities celebrate. If you're thinking you would like to do something different for your next event, think about the following.

Lake Sundance New Year's Eve Party
Mystifying magic, comedy, and audience participation illustrates a performance by magician, Richard Rondeau. Watch as neighbours and friends help Richard present some amazing and incredible magic. Laugh along at some of the humorous situations that Richard and his audience helpers get into.

Thorncliff / Greenview Easter Party

Montgomery 50th Anniversary
Enter A 30 or 45 minute show that is sure to be enjoyed by all ages. Make your next community activity one that will long be remembered with a special performance by Calgary magician, Richard Rondeau.